What if you had to ask the Environmental Protection Agency for permission before building an addition on your home, landscaping your yard, or planting crops on your farm?
That’s exactly what families, small businesses, farmers, realtors, and property owners within every part of the Seventh District will be facing if the EPA’s proposed expansion of the “Waters of the US” rule goes into effect.
The EPA, no bastion of common sense, has proposed a revision to the Clean Water Act that would broadly redefine what qualifies as a “water of the United States,” thereby vastly expanding their jurisdiction over ponds, ditches, wet soils, and the occasional mud puddle in your front yard. That’s right. The new definition even opens the door for bureaucrats at the EPA to dictate what you do in your yard.
Since this rule was proposed, I’ve heard from concerned farmers, small business associations, realtors’ groups, and families around the Seventh District asking what can be done to stop it.
The US House is moving to stop the rule with legislation this week that would prevent it from going into effect. I urge both the House and the Senate to move quickly to stop the EPA from further expanding their regulatory powers.
The fact is, because of the nature of our soil and the location of our communities, all of the land in the Seventh District would likely fall under this rule, meaning the businesses and farm families in our communities will be burdened with even more unnecessary and costly red tape.
It is this type of nonsense that I will fight vigorously in Congress. Will you donate today to help me fight the red tape the Obama Administration continues to pile on?
Thank you for your consideration and support! We must work hard to save America.
Best Regards,