Recently, my amendment to protect Southeastern North Carolinians and small businesses from a recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation passed the House of Representatives. This amendment was included and passed by way of H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, a broad energy bill which maximizes America’s energy potential, updates and modernizes outdated policies and creates jobs.
In March of 2015, the EPA published a final rule that established federal standards for the manufacture of wood heaters. This onerous rule will result in higher production costs for manufactures effectively pricing wood heaters out of the market.
And, it’s unfortunately no surprise that these new production costs from additional regulations will be passed down to those who consume it.
Right now, there are more and more households who rely on wood as their primary heating source. The EPA rule that went into effect last March and the one that my amendment seeks to get rid of will result in higher costs associated with using wood stoves, particularly individuals and families in rural Southeastern North Carolina and America.
As we head into the winter months, I’m pleased my colleagues on both sides of the aisle came together to pass this common-sense amendment to protect consumers and manufacturers.
As you know, our nation’s businesses cannot continue to compete and grow while being saddled with new regulations. And, more importantly, the federal government has no business dictating how consumers heat their homes.
H.R. 8, which includes my amendment, now awaits consideration by the United States Senate. Let’s hope the Senate will pass this bill immediately so that we can protect American individuals, families and businesses from yet another burdensome federal regulation.